Unsentimentally yours

I dissolved a couple of fairy tales in hard acid. This removed most of the entertaining embellishments for sure, but also the Poisonous Pedagogy. Kind of reminds me of what we might see in Bert Hellinger’s Family Constellations, once all the relevant members have been placed on the playing field. Or, in a movement based sense, when we clearly perceive the structure of a movement. So. Without further ado, here’s what I’ve found at the bottom of the bucket:

Little Red Riding Hood

A little girl, whose father is not mentioned, was sent away by her mother (into territory where a dangerous predator roams around.) Next thing we know, the little girl was—or was almost—killed, and so was her grandmother.

The Three Little Pigs

A mother sent her three little ones away (into territory where a dangerous predator roams around.) Within mere days two of them were killed, whilst the third one became a killer himself.


The girl Cinderella lost her mother in early childhood. Her father remarried. However, Cinderella’s own father, her new stepmother, and her two new stepsisters all reject her. Finally, Cinderella finds a strong man who fancies her and leaves to marry him.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Snow White’s mother died during her birth. Her father remarried. However, her father’s second wife, her stepmother, is deeply jealous of her and drives a wedge in between Snow White and her father. Next thing we know, Snow White is in a coma because of her stepmother. Finally, a strong man wakes Snow White from her coma, they get married, and all clears up.

Jack and the Beanstalk

Jack, a poor country boy, made it big and yet didn’t forget his family.