With 17 I had a skiing accident. My first session at the local Physical Therapy studio took barely 20 minutes. The therapist was cute. That’s the best I can say about the whole thing. She was neatly dressed in white, had great skin, a scent of vanilla. The session itself felt like I’m being processed in a factory. Afterwards the receptionist gave me a sheet of paper with exercises on it. Black and white Xerox. Hardly recognisable photos. Six of them. Only one of the exercises was something the therapist did with me. Barely any text. Gladly. Because the text was not helpful at all.
My thoughts back then: „So here we have exercises so dumb that it only requires a few badly xeroxed photos to explain them.”
A conversation-based therapy session is different. In a conversation one human guides another human through a series of movements, concepts, ideas. She asks questions. Responds, thinks, suggests, replies. At times broad, at times specific. At times vague, at times direct. A good conversation respects both viewpoints, the therapists’ and the clients’. A therapy session can be a conversation. A text can lead to a conversation.