Like children in the woods, but with a little guidance

I asked ChatGPT to turn my previous article “Just one breath ago” into a poem. ChatGPT, usually quite good at this, didn’t satisfy this time. Might be my article was to convoluted, or not concise enough, too many loose ends or pickled with too many stray thoughts. Anyregards, not a good precursor for ChatGPT’s poem-try.

Therefore- I wrote the poem myself. Titled it “Flow of life.” ChatGPT suggested “The Fluidity of Life” instead. Well- close enough, I guess.

My pose, my thoughts, my actions too,
Each glance at things, a little new.
Custom, beliefs, might be the glue,
I didn’t think this fully through.
Not one breath can be the same,
Embrace the change, don’t try to tame.

Also, for some time now I was concerned that my writing might have a depressing, slightly negative sentiment. Therefore I asked ChatGPT, anxiously, “What is the sentiment of my poem?”

“The sentiment of your poem appears to be one of openness, acceptance, and embracing change. You acknowledge that your thoughts, actions, and perspectives are constantly evolving, and that custom and belief may play a role in shaping your views. The poem encourages the reader to appreciate the uniqueness of each moment and to welcome change rather than trying to control or resist it. The overall tone is reflective and contemplative, but with a sense of optimism and a willingness to embrace the unknown.”

Nailed it. 😁

Also, it reminded my of the novel I’m reading right now, “Freunde” by Hermann Hesse. In this novel he seems to make the invisible visible. Maybe that’s the whole point of it. What do people think? What is the richness of feelings and thoughts in an old friendship that is about to end? What does each character think of themself and the other?

Maybe if we acknowledge the richness in everything, if we embrace the thought that there indeed is something, everywhere, instead of nothing… that there is a feeling, thinking, sensing, a story, instead of everything and everyone just being dull and empty. Maybe that’s the precursor to feeling love, fulfilment, hope, appreciation of life, inner richness and meaning.

Franz Kafka might have felt something similar when he wrote: “We are as forlorn as children lost in the woods. When you stand in front of me and look at me, what do you know of the griefs that are in me and what do I know of yours. And if I were to cast myself down before you and weep and tell you, what more would you know about me than you know about Hell when someone tells you it is hot and dreadful? For that reason alone we human beings ought to stand before one another as reverently, as reflectively, as lovingly, as we would before the entrance to Hell.”

I find this quote of Kafka frightful, it gives me shivers. However, ChatGPT condoles, “The sentiment of this quote by Franz Kafka is one of deep empathy and a sense of the profound isolation and loneliness that humans often experience. The sentiment is one of humility and a recognition of the inherent value and dignity of every human being.” 

I proompt, “Please turn the quote by Franz Kafka into something more positive sounding, without any negative words in it.”

ChatGPT: “Just as children in a forest can find their way with a little guidance, we can support one another through our struggles. When we look at each other, we may not fully understand the depth of each other’s experiences, but we can still treat each other with the utmost respect and love. Let’s approach each other with an open heart, and cherish the unique and complex nature of every individual we encounter.”

There you go. Text completed!