Journeys in Somatic Education: Tales of Delight and Healing

I love to read from my viewers and their experiences. Last week I received two comments that showcase in particular not only why I love my work, but what delights me about my work and my self-practice, again and again:

From Shayna Formity

Facebook just reminded me of a post I made in April 2020, it still applies, and I thought you might enjoy it: “In times of isolation, Alfons leads me on fascinating journeys of inner exploration. The landscape is ever-changing, bringing joy and delight, and relief from worry and stress.”

From Tracy

Feldenkrais. Is. Magic. I’m recovering from an ankle injury and most of my movement and exercise sessions these days focus on my ankle recovery, but today I just wanted to have nice movement experience focusing on something else. This seemed like the perfect lesson for today.

All my conscious thought was on my upper body – exploring different ways to use my hands to help lift my head, different ways to place my arms when lifting one shoulder toward the opposite knee to change how it felt to roll across my shoulder blade and upper back. As my torso became more and more pliable, I felt more and more relaxed and balanced as the lesson progressed.

But when we stood up?! Wait…what?! My weight was beautifully distributed between both feet. I don’t need to tell you after a long injury that my body has learned to compensate and I always find myself standing on my “good” leg. But there I was, standing evenly on both feet, feeling light and lifted, *with effortlessly perfect shin and ankle alignment*.

Thank you so much Alfons, for reminding me to trust my brain to place me in good alignment – I just need to get out of the way and allow that to happen. What a beautiful experience.