It was one of those headaches that befall every coffee lover. The morning coffee is delayed because of an urgent meeting or the secret Nespresso emergency stash was silently emptied by someone else—or maybe you missed it altogether. Maybe you drink it two hours late, or maybe you drink it on time but your usual blend wasn’t available. When it happens to you it’s a national tragedy—Why isn’t the Department of Health all over this? you wonder.
I wonder: „What are the elements of a successful first paragraph?” Is there a formula to it? And while we may look at the best for inspiration, what are the ethics involved? What passes as „inspired by” and after what point would readers send a copycat straight to hell?
“It was one of those headaches that befall every airline passenger. A flight is delayed because of thunderstorms or backed-up traffic—or maybe it’s canceled altogether. Maybe you board two hours late, or maybe you board on time and spend the next two hours sitting on the runway. When it happens to you it’s a national tragedy—Why aren’t the papers reporting this? you wonder.” – excerpt from David Sedaris, “Let’s Explore Diabetes With Owls”, from the essay ”Standing By”